2 Day FloodBreak Testing Successful for South Battery Park Resiliency Project in New York 

October 29, 2024

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FloodBreak recently conducted a 2-day comprehensive shop test for one of the hydraulically actuated flip-up barriers being fabricated as part of the South Battery Park Resiliency project. The floodgate successfully met the stringent load and performance requirements.

This video showcases the testing including all aspects of operation including load handling and is verified by an independent 3rd party engineer.

The project is part of the larger Lower Manhattan Coastal Resiliency masterplan that will create an integrated coastal flood risk management system to protect Battery Park City and lower Manhattan from the next Superstorm Sandy.

The FloodBreak flip-up barriers are designed to architecturally integrate with the decorative park surroundings and preserve the magnificent views but also protect from the impact of more severe and frequent storms.

Setting up and conducting rigorous tests such as these are necessary, but do require many resources such as time, money, and personnel to set up. We appreciate everyone involved and our Project Manager, Justin Lee, for capturing and creating this video to showcase how simple FloodBreak makes complicated. 

The project is in progress with an expected installation completion of all 22 flip-up barriers in 2025.

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