Protecting Critical Infrastructure

Ready To Deploy 24/7. No People Or Power Required.

Field Tested & Proven To Protect Vulnerable Assets

Our Work In Wastewater

floodgate ate Richardson Treatment Plant
floodbreak protects NYC Gowanus

The Advantages Of Passive

No People, No Power

Wastewater treatment plants are often located outside of urban centers, making them difficult to reach in the event of a flood.

Unlike traditional measures, our barriers are passively activated by rising floodwater without human intervention or power. 

Minimal Maintenance & Disruption

Flood protection doesn’t have to come at the expense of operational efficiency.

Once installed, our flood barriers lay dormant underground until the next flooding event.

This allows for all plant activities to proceed as normal without disturbance.

Long Service Life

FloodBreak’s passive flood barriers are designed to last decades in harsh outdoor conditions.

The gates can withstand the demand of wastewater treatment plant operations without risk of damage or frequent repairs.

How It Works:

Our barriers are self-activating. The higher the water rises, the higher the flood barrier is lifted. When the water recedes, the flood barrier returns to its recessed position.

Below is an example of one of our flood saves that was captured on camera:

Before the flood

dormant floodbreak flood barrier

During the flood

Before the actual flood event, the barrier lays dormant underground, nearly invisible to those who don’t know it is there. Once the flood begins, the gate begins to lift until it is fully vertical from the hydraulic pressure. 

Learn how FloodBreak can help protect you. Contact us below.

Whatever set of challenges you are facing with your flood protection, our team can help find solutions. 

About FloodBreak

FloodBreak was founded in 2001 after Tropical Storm Allison flooded large parts of Houston. The devastation caused by the storm showed us firsthand how active flood protection measures can and will fail.

To address this problem that exists with all active flood protection measures, we invented the passive automatic flood barrier. These buoyant barriers deploy and protect buildings & vulnerable openings even without on-sight personnel or power.

Since our founding, we have installed over 2,500 passive flood barriers in over 18 countries around the world. We have dozens of verified deployments that protected our customers from suffering horrible flood damage. No FloodBreak gate has ever failed to deploy in protect in over 20 years.

Get In Touch.