Hospital Featured in FEMA Floodproofing Publication

Lourdes was one of two hospitals included as a best practice in FEMA P-936, Floodproofing Non-Structural Buildings.

After being shut down by a 500 year flood in 2006, Lourdes Hospital remained fully operational  during the  2011 flood thanks to a full flood mitigation completed in the summer of 2010 with FEMA funding. The project included a floodwall,  11 feet at its highest point, and 11 FloodBreak passive floodgates at each entry point, protected the hospital from catastrophic flooding while allowing full access by vehicles and pedestrians during dry times. Read the full story

Lourdes Hospital and Columbus Regional Hospital were both included as FEMA floodproofing best practices in the recently published FEMA P-936, Floodproofing Non-Structural Buildings.  The FEMA publication reflected updated floodproofing information and guidance for retrofits and reiterated the recommendation to use passive measures, those not requiring human intervention, whenever possible. View highlights from the floodproofing publication.


Floodwall and FloodBreak floodgates protect hospital from catastrophic flood damage

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