Harris County Floodplain Regulations Leads Local Businesses to Investment in Passive Automatic Flood Protection


King Fuels


North Houston, Texas

Installation Date



In 2021, two local businesses in North Houston, Texas, required flood protection solutions to comply with new Harris County floodplain regulations. FloodBreak, a leader in passive flood barrier solutions, was selected by the engineer who designed both projects, ensuring 24/7 flood protection & 24/7 customer access without any business disruption. These barriers were designed to automatically deploy in the event of a flood, safeguarding the properties and ensuring continuous business operations.


Houston, Texas, is susceptible to coastal flooding and flash flooding, with severe weather events increasingly common. After Harvey, where much of the flooding occurred outside the existing flood zone, Harris County adopted more stringent floodplain regulations.

King Fuels, a Houston-based wholesale fuel distributor and owner of multiple convenience stores, was among the businesses that was required to implement flood protection. Knowing that it was mandatory, they wanted a flood protection solution that would not interfere with daily operations and would not require store personnel to deploy flood devices.


FloodBreak passive automatic flood barriers were a perfect solution.  A 16-foot barrier was placed at the main entrance of the stores to provide permanent flood protection in the event of a flood yet remain hidden below grade allowing unimpeded customer access and business operations during dry condsitions. A second, smaller barrier was installed at a 4-foot-wide door in the rear of the building.

These flood barriers are entirely passive, meaning they operate without the need for electricity or human intervention. In the event of a flood, the barriers automatically rise to block floodwaters, sealing off the entryways and preventing water from entering the stores. This automatic deployment ensures that the stores remain protected even if power is lost during a severe weather event.


The convenience stores are in compliance with Harris County floodplain regulations and received their permits. More importantly, the stores are now fully protected from flooding 24/7, with barriers that will automatically deploy in the event of a flood. For the owner, that brings peace of mind.

See all of our work in action.