Cypress Creek Christian Church Flood Protection: A Post-Harvey Success Story


Cypress Creek Christian Church


Cypress, Texas

Installation Date



In the wake of Hurricane Harvey’s devastation, the Cypress Creek Christian Church determined that they needed to install a passive flood protection system to protect against future flooding and eliminate the need for congregation members to leave their homes to set up flood protection devices. The church leadership, led by Executive Director Norma Lowrey, chose to install FloodBreak Automatic Floodgates, a passive flood protection system. This initiative not only safeguards the church from potential flood damage but also serves as a testament to the resilience and dedication of the church community.


Cypress Creek Christian Church was inundated by flooding caused during Hurricane Harvey in 2017. The severity of rainfall for several straight days caused Cypress Creek, the nearby watershed, to overflow into the surrounding neighborhood. What resulted was some of the worst flooding the area has ever experienced.

This was the first time the 45 year old church suffered flood damage. The Centrum, the main community building on the property, was completely devastated. So too was the local community.


Executive Director Norma Lowrey played a crucial role in the decision-making process and led the long and arduous process to secure funding from FEMA. Drawing on FloodBreak’s successful track record in protecting prominent Houston properties, such as the MD Anderson Cancer Center, she advocated for the use of passive flood barriers and then worked diligently to see the 3 year FEMA funding process to completion.

In the end, three FloodBreak passive flood barriers were installed to protect the building, including a 58′ long barrier that spans the sanctuary. Like all FloodBreak barriers, they are designed to remain hidden until needed, These barriers were also designed to blend with the sanctuary facade resulting in nearly invisible flood protection.


The installation of the FloodBreak Automatic Floodgates has provided the Cypress Creek Christian Church with peace of mind, knowing that their place of worship and community gathering is protected from future flooding events.

The success of this project is a direct result of Norma Lowrey’s leadership and dedication. To honor her contributions, the church community presented her with a plaque made from a section of the flood barrier, a fitting tribute to her efforts. The plaque includes a poem recognizing her role in securing the church’s protection for future generations.


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