Historical Lock 9 Park in Ohio Adds FloodBreak Floodgates in Infrastructure Imrpovements


City of Piqua, OH


Piqua, Ohio

Installation Date



FloodBreak Automatic Floodgates have been installed at Lock 9 Park in Piqua, Ohio, a redeveloped public space located along the Greater Miami River. This park serves as a hub for outdoor recreation, leisure, and community events, while also connecting two significant trail systems: the Great Miami River Trail and the Ohio-to-Indiana Trail and the downtown area. With the installation of two floodgates, FloodBreak provides essential flood protection while ensuring convenient access to this vital community asset.



To protect Lock 9 Park from flooding while preserving accessibility, the City of Piqua integrated FloodBreak’s innovative automatic floodgate system. These gates lie hidden in the ground until passively lifted by floodwaters. Residents enjoy 24/7 access and 24/7 flood protection.


Importantly, the Lock 9 Park redevelopment has transformed an underutilized public space into a vibrant community hub that is having a positive impact on the local economy and community while being protected from flooding 24/7. No People. No Power.

See all of our work in action.