Passive Flood Gates at MD Anderson Cancer Center


MD Anderson Cancer Center


Houston, TX

Installation Date



25+ Pedestrian & Vehicle flood gates


Following significant damage from Tropical Storm Allison in 2001, MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston undertook a major flood mitigation project funded by FEMA, including the installation of 25 FloodBreak® Automatic Floodgates. These passive flood gates, integrated seamlessly with granite-clad floodwalls, provide permanent flood protection without human intervention or power, ensuring uninterrupted access for pedestrians and vehicles while safeguarding the facility from future flood events.


MD Anderson, a world-class cancer center, is located in the Texas Medical Center in Houston TX.  In 2001, Tropical Storm Allison caused catastrophic damage to the Houston area and particularly the Texas Medical Center.  MD Anderson Cancer Center suffered significant damage and undertook a major flood mitigation project with the help of FEMA funds to protect the Center from another flood.


The work consisted of building interior and exterior flood walls and relocating critical mechanical and electrical life support systems above the 50-year flood plain so that the facility could remain in operation during a flood event. The second portion consisted of constructing a granite-clad concrete wall around the entire facility, installing 25 floodgates at all of the entrances and drives, and installing a series of valves and lift stations to isolate the sanitary and storm systems in the event of a flood.

Aware of the failure of active mitigation measures at many Texas Medical Center facilities, MD Anderson sought a permanent solution that would not require storage of panels nor involve flood doors with inflatable gaskets.  Instead, they selected FloodBreak® Automatic Floodgates, a revolutionary flood control system that provided permanent flood protection without the need for human intervention or power.


The flood barriers also remain hidden beneath the entryways allowing unimpeded access to the hospital by pedestrian and vehicle traffic unless a flood event occurs.  Architecturally, the floodgates blend with the granite-clad floodwalls and surface coatings of the MD Anderson Cancer Center campus.

See all of our work in action.