Two Decades Later the University of Houston Remains Protected from Flood Devastation


University of Houston


Houston, Texas

Installation Date



17 Passive Automatic Floodgates


The University of Houston, a cornerstone institution in Texas, was one of the first to adopt our FloodBreak® automatic floodgates, over two decades ago. Since then, these innovative flood barrier systems have provided permanent and passive flood protection to the campus and many other facilities across the globe.


Record rainfall fell over Houston in 2001 due to a Tropical Storm and the city was inundated. At the time, it was one of the worst flood disasters in US history. What was surprising was that the storm never reached hurricane-level winds, and weakened as it meandered across Houston, yet caused extremely heavy flooding. In the aftermath of TS Allison and the devastation it caused, the need to change the way flood protection was designed and improve resilience for buildings and infrastructure became evident.



The University of Houston along with nearby MD Anderson recognized the importance of eliminating human intervention and power for the deployment of their flood defenses, particularly when many institutions in the Texas Medical Center had flooded when active flood measures were not deployed in time.

UH installed 21 FloodBreak® automatic floodgates across its campus, positioned to protect vulnerable buildings and pedestrian pathways. These floodgates are fully passive automatic and require no human intervention or power to deploy, making them an ideal solution for the large campus and limited facilities personnel.

Designed for long service life with minimal maintenance, these flood barrier systems provide dependable flood protection no matter when the flood comes, whether it be months, years or decades later. As we continue to protect buildings and critical infrastructure worldwide, the University of Houston serves as a prime example of how proactive flood mitigation can protect institutions for decades.



FloodBreak is committed to ensuring our customers have peace of mind in knowing that their flood protection systems will operate when needed. Our Field Service team takes great pride in inspecting the systems as they recently did at UH, and confirming that two decades after installation, all flood barrier systems are ready for the next flood.

See all of our work in action.