Riverine Flood Resilience: Large Floodgate Protects Des Moines Wastewater Treatment Plant

December 7, 2021

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automatic deployment, critical infrastructure, hydraulic lift system, passive flood barriers, wastewater treatment plant

Located on the banks of the Des Moines River, the Des Moines Metropolitan Wastewater Reclamation Authority’s Wastewater Reclamation Facility has been faced with operational challenges due to historic flooding.

Protecting the Most Vulnerable & Critical Part of WRA’s system in Des Moines, Iowa:

The project team prioritized resiliency measures that include floodgates for the WRF’s preliminary treatment pump facility. Two FloodBreak flood barriers were designed into the project including a massive 105′ x 6.25′ barrier. The floodgates include a powered lift system, totally decoupled from the passive operation, that the customer requested for the added convenience of raising their gates instantly, at the push of a button, for standard operating procedures and/or scheduled maintenance.

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