Proven Flood Protection For Large-Scale Projects
FloodBreak’s passive flood barrier have become the industry standard for flood protection.
Our barriers do not have size or length limitations, making them ideal to handle large scale flood mitigation projects. We have participated in multiple large projects, notably including NYU Langone in 2013 and numerous installations for the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC) throughout Texas and New Mexico.
FloodBreak has installations protecting several IBWC levees, including at Canutillo as pictured above.
Our passive flood barrier protect 3 different buildings at the NYU Langone Medical Center.
Our barriers have also been designed in at two different USACE projects in Indiana: The Indianapolis North Flood Damage Reduction Project & Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department Riverfront.
Both of these projects overcame obstacles in which passive flood protection offered the best solution. The goal was to provide maximum flood protection without impeding pedestrian access, irritating local residents, or damaging the surrounding environment. Our barriers, which are custom built for each installation and lay dormant underground until activation, accomplish all three objectives.
See more details of both USACE & FloodBreak projects below.
The Indianapolis North Flood Damage Reduction Project - Phase 3-B3
The Indianapolis North Flood Damage Reduction Project is a flood mitigation project designed by the Louisville District of USACE and the City of Indianapolis Department of Public Works. The overall objective was to control flooding of the White River, which runs along residential homes in Rocky Ripple and parts of Butler University Main Campus. The total approved budget was $9,400,000.
Failure to complete this project would result in serious damage to the local area. Critical infrastructure, such as waterworks pumping stations, fire stations, and large sewage lift stations would be inundated if a 100-year flood event occurred.
Phase 3B-3: FloodBreak's Solution
The project began in 2013 (Fact check) and involved the construction of a 4,000 ft flood wall. Phase 3-B3, which FloodBreak was designed in, connects to Phase 3B-2 (Riviera Club Earthen Levee) near capitol avenue at Indi Central canal.
3B-3 aimed to minimize any damage the project might have on the surrounding area. There are a series of pedestrian openings along the White River flood wall that needed to be protected without agitating local residents and impeding their access to the water.
Not only did the solution need to protect an area stretching over 600 feet of vulnerable openings, but it had to do so while preserving the aesthetics of the surrounding area.
The design of our passive flood barriers made us the perfect solution.
Our barriers lay dormant underground until a flood event occurs. This means that community access and views will be largely unaffected until the last possible minute.
Finally, Floodbreak’s section of the flood wall, which amounted to over 650 feet, was concrete stained and coated with anti-graffiti spray to further mask its existence.
Phase 3B-3 was complete. The visual impact was minimized (negligible?), the natural environment was preserved, and the community was happy with the work.
A float test was conducted on September 14, 2021. During the test, several residents came out to watch our barriers in action. They asked detailed questions about how the technology worked and were highly impressed by their ease of use (reword?).
It was a great opportunity to interact with the very people our passive flood barriers protect. It’s the relieved smile on people’s faces when they realize their homes are protected that keeps us going.
As of writing, Phase 3B-3 is currently under review for FEMA Accreditation. (source needed)
Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department Riverfront.
The Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department Riverfront was another multi-phase project that took place along the banks of the St. Mary’s River. The flood mitigation plan was designed jointly with the local USACE branch.
A total budget of $20 million was authorized for the project’s 3 phases.
The final objective was to make the river more accessible to the public and make it a place that residents could be proud of. The plan needed to accommodate for the addition of many urban riverfront features, including kayaking, musical concert venues, and ice skating rinks. It would be a complete transformation of the area.
Protecting Future Assets: FloodBreak & Phase I
Phase I included design improvements to the area to increase recreational use of the riverfront as well as preparing the area for future development. Phase I construction began in mid 2016 and concluded early 2019 (Fact check).
To accomplish the goal of increasing pedestrian access to the riverfront, a 12’ vehicular opening was put (cut? carved?) into the existing USACE levee. One of our passive flood barriers was installed at this opening to seal it off in the event of a flood.
FloodBreak barriers lay dormant underground until actual flooding occurs. This makes them the perfect flood protection solution in high foot traffic areas that need to remain open as long as possible. Passive activation will allow this levee to remain accessible until the last possible minute.
The barrier will also provide protection to the riverfront property and assets without any advanced warning. No people or power are required to activate the barrier. What activates it is the rising floodwater itself.
These are distinct advantages of passive flood protection. Our barriers can be installed in areas that are highly active areas and provide protection without impeding day-to-day activities or agitating the local community. They are a truly 24/7 flood mitigation solution that give our customers peace of mind.
The Fort Wayne Parks & Recreational Department Riverfront Project is currently in Phase III, which involves attracting private investment to the area.
We are happy to answer any questions about FloodBreak’s track record with flood protection or any general inquiries you may have. To best get in touch with us, please contact us at [email protected], or visit our contact page for more options.