FloodBreak passive automatic flood barriers are now protecting Mercy Medical Center in Cedar Rapids, IA & Monash Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, Australia
Protecting hospitals is a core application for FloodBreak flood barriers dating back to 2003 when the first FloodBreak floodgates were installed at MD Anderson Cancer in Houston, TX in the aftermath of catastrophic flooding from TS Allison. The number of passive barriers at the world renowned cancer center now totals 30 including replacement of many previously installed active swing gates that were difficult to close and vulnerable to human error.
The growing list of hospitals includes Columbus Regional Hospital in Columbus, IN & Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Binghamton, NY, both of which are included in FEMA Mitigation Best Practices stories.
Mercy Medical Center recently had seven passive automatic flood barriers installed at hospital entrances. Like much of Cedar Rapids, they were flooded in 2008 and were forced to evacuate patients. Patients and staff are now protected 24/7.
Mercy also looked to architecturally integrate the barriers incorporating their granite cladded walls into the design and covering the barriers with carpeting in vestibules.